Winter Bike Storage

January 24, 2013

Winter brings along harsh weather elements that can be very devastating to the condition and wellbeing of your bike. Bicycles and snow don’t mix very well so here’s what you should do with that beloved bike before you put it into your winter bike storage.


Before storing it away for the winter or long periods over winter, you should follow make sure you do the following so that the bike remains rust free and ready to ride when the weather is bike friendly again.

  • Clean your bike thoroughly or take it to a bike shop for a professional clean.
  • Oil and lubricate the chains, wheels, etc. to prevent rust.
  • Store the bike into a safe and secure bike storage – Protected from adverse weather elements such as frost, snow and rain.
  • Store the bike into a garage or use an indoor storage solution, if you have the space. You can also invest in suitable outdoor winter cycle storage solution. You can also store the bike in a safe storage facility over winter.
  • Make sure the tyres are pumped up before you put your bike into winter storage to prevent flat spots. If you can it’s a good idea to give your tyres a rest and storing the bike tyres off the floor by means of a hook or stand.


If you require assistance in choosing or finding the most ideal winter storage for your bike, contact the Bike Dock Solutions Team today.

Bike Dock Solutions Team

Bike Dock Solutions is the UK's leading supplier of Bike Shelters, Bike Racks and other Bike Storage. Follow us on LinkedIn.