Bike Storage Solutions for Your Home: How to Choose Bike Storage for Your House and What Are Your Options

July 25, 2023

Maybe you have made the leap and started biking to work or simply enjoy your bicycle on your days off. Either way, every bike owner needs a place to keep their cycle – preferably safe, dry and tidied away.

We have an extensive range of bike storage products ideal for businesses, large office buildings, car parks and residential buildings. However, we also know that bike owners also need bike storage at home. This is why we offer products suitable for installation in garages, gardens and even corridors. But first…

How to choose bike storage for the home?

We have a detailed article on a similar topic – what to consider before investing in bike storage for your business. We advise clients to think about a few things first – budget, space, needs, security and accessibility. This is a good list when it comes to home bike storage too.

Start with the needs – how many bikes do you need to store, this is a hard one for employers, but it should be easy for you to answer. Then think about what you can spend – we offer products for £24 and £1000. Once you decide on a rough budget, think about your space – is there room for a vertical bike rack in the corner of your garage, or perhaps you live in an apartment or a house which has no garage, but your corridor is spacious enough to allow for a bike to be stored neatly on the wall. Do some measuring and write your dimensions down to have them handy when looking at our products.

The other two things we advise businesses to consider when buying cycle storage – accessibility and security, apply to home bicycle storage, too, but perhaps to a lesser degree. Generally, we would say that the best bike storage place is one you can easily access. It needs to be close to the entrance, well-lit and ideally not have stairs which you need to carry your bike over. Additionally, it is best if it's inside – in a garage, inside your own living space or in a common area but one that only residents have access to. It's just that the fewer people come in that space, the less there is a risk for your bike to get stolen. There isn't always an ideal solution, but try to find the optimal one for your particular situation.

Once you've considered the above, it is time to explore our options.


One of the easiest ways to store a bike is to get wall-mounted bike storage. We offer several options. You can choose something like our elegant wooden Bike Perch or Bike Shelf, which looks like a beautiful floating shelf on which you hang your bike. They are ideal for places where space is at a premium and look so good you can put them up even in your living room.

Then there is the simple Fixed Butterfly Wall Mounted Bike Stand, a straightforward solution that can be mounted on the wall or floor. It can be used indoors and outdoors as it has a corrosion-resistant finish. We also have a similarly basic, easy-to-use, and installed Wall Dock, allowing you to store your bike vertically. Both of these products have the additional option to install an extra locking hoop for added security.


Your next option is to go floor-mounted. This entirely depends on your space and preferences. As mentioned above, the Fixed Butterfly Wall Mounted Bike Stand can be installed on the floor, but we also offer several other bike storage products for the home to choose from. One of our best-selling products for businesses and homes alike is the Traditional Sheffield Bike Stand. This is an inexpensive way to secure your bike, and we offer it hot dipped galvanised, galvanised and powder-coated in the RAL colour of your choice and a ready-made version galvanised in black colour. Lastly, we have the Wiggins Bike Rack, another best-seller that is ideal for families as it can fit 3 to 5 bikes, depending on which size you choose. It is a compact solution and great value for money.


Another option is to install one of our Semi Vertical Bike Racks, which are an excellent choice for any premises where bike parking is needed. They are designed to maximise the use of space. These bike racks are a versatile option when it comes to installing them, too, as they are bolted to the ground and have a solid frame at the back. You can position the cycle racks near a wall or create a free-standing bike parking island wherever you choose.

Self-Contained Units

Lastly, there are the cycle locker-style self-contained units which are often a preferred bike storage solution to many as they provide a high amount of security. We offer a Brighton Twin Cycle Locker with space for 2 bikes, and it is ideal for areas where space is restricted, but bike security is essential. This bike locker is accessed from the end, so the unit's width is kept to a minimum – ideal for use down the side of a house or flat. We also sell a similar locker, the Brighton Tall Cycle Locker, which is also highly secure and steel-made. It holds one bike and accessories.

When choosing bike storage for your home, consider factors like budget, available space, security, and accessibility to find the optimal solution that meets your requirements. With our diverse options, from wall-mounted and floor-mounted racks to free-standing and self-contained units, you can conveniently keep your bicycles safe, dry, and tidied away at home.

And if you have any questions or require additional advice, get in touch with us, and one of our team members will help you right away.

Bike Dock Solutions Team

Bike Dock Solutions is the UK's leading supplier of Bike Shelters, Bike Racks and other Bike Storage. Follow us on LinkedIn.